About The Show

To become a sniper in the United States Army, you must first pass a brutal five week sniper course. Go behind the scenes of the military’s premiere sniper school.


Episode 1

Ranger School

US Army Ranger School replicates the nonstop stress of war to forge the Army's elite combat leaders. Only one in three survives the cut.

Episode 2

Air Force Pararescue

To become Air Force Pararescue men, students must survive one notoriously difficult milestone called Extended Training Day. Only 10 percent survive the cut.

Episode 3

Special Forces Diver

Only the best soldiers try to become combat divers and one in three don't succeed. Who will hold their nerve in extreme underwater conditions and get through?

Episode 4

Marine Recon

Only the best marines try to join recon teams and half won't make it. Who will have the mental and physical strength to reach the Death March and survive it?

Episode 5

Navy EOD

Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal technicians are the only bomb experts working in special ops. Does this training unit have what it takes to qualify for the front line?

Episode 6

Marine Sniper

Marine Scout Sniper training is the toughest in the world: who will demonstrate the fitness, stealth and precision marksmanship necessary to earn their Hog's Tooth?

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