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18th April


About The Show

Stunning ‘blow apart’ CGI animation and the latest archaeological investigations reveal how the most iconic buildings of the ancient worlds were built, stone by stone.


Apr 18



Episode 10

Curse Of Relic Mountain

Experts use innovative geophysical analysis to solve the mysteries of the towering Mount Nemrut in Turkey. Can they uncover the reason for its destruction?

Apr 22



Episode 11

Lost City Of Persia

The ancient city of Persepolis was once the greatest and richest city on Earth. Using forensic analysis, experts discover how the Persians rose to power.

Apr 23



Episode 12

Valley Of Egypt's Queens

The burial site of some of ancients Egypt's greatest queens, experts examine a vast necropolis that contains even more tombs than the Valley of the Kings.

Apr 24



Episode 13

Lost City Of The Sumerian Gods

Deep in the Iraqi desert, investigators use new technology to unearth an ancient city like no other. What secrets lie in the sacred city of Nippur?

Apr 25



Episode 14

Lost City Of The Maya Queens

The powerful city of Palenque is home to mysterious temples that harbour secrets about the Maya queens. Experts investigate using pioneering technology.

Apr 29



Episode 15

Egypt's Island Of Secrets

Experts use innovative technology to investigate why pharaohs and emperors built a colossal temple monument on a mysterious Egyptian island.

Apr 30



Episode 16

Egypt's Cult Kings

The ancient city of Abydos contains Egyptian tombs and a buried temple linked to a mysterious death cult. Archaeologists use drone imaging to investigate.

Episode 1

Mystery Of The Volcano Temple

The Pantheon is a 2,000-year-old temple with a secret. Advanced archaeological methods and new evidence reveal why it was built and how it survived.

Episode 2

Rome's Gate To Hell

The ancient Roman city of Hierapolis is said to hide a secret portal to the underworld beneath its streets. Experts use pioneering technology to investigate.

Episode 3

Legend Of King Midas

King Midas and his golden touch is a famous tale in Greek mythology. Experts use advanced archaeological methods to delve into strange ancient mounds.

Episode 4

Ghosts Of Venice

Venice was once a fearsome superpower. Scientists use pioneering acoustic imaging technology to discover its ancient foundations and reveal how it's still standing.

Episode 5

Secrets Of Seahenge

A prehistoric megastructure on the sands of an English shore could reveal lost mysteries of the Bronze Age. Experts uncover ancient rituals once performed here.

Episode 6

Terror In The Torture Tower

The Tower of London is shrouded in a mysterious, grisly past. Experts use pioneering archaeological methods to examine how it became an infamous prison.

Episode 7

Secrets Of The Sunken Empire

Experts use high-tech underwater archaeology to explore the world's oldest sunken city and reveal new discoveries about one of the first great empires.

Episode 8

Sumerian Pyramid Of Death

Experts digitally examine the Sumerian ziggurat of Ur in Iraq. Built 4000 years ago, it was the heart of one of the world's first civilisations.

Episode 9

Egypt's Floating Pyramid

Experts use drone technology to explore the tunnels hidden below an Egyptian pyramid for the very first time. Plus, forensics uncover a pharaoh's secrets.

Episode 17

King Arthur's Lost Castle

The clifftop ruins of Tintagel Castle are believed to be King Arthur's birthplace. Experts use cutting-edge tech to unlock its secrets.

Episode 18

Lost World Of Desert Kings

Archaeologists use pioneering technology to investigate the ancient city of Samarra, revealing its astonishing rise to power - and monumental downfall.

Episode 19

Rome's Lost Coliseums

Archaeologists uncover the engineering secrets behind lost coliseums of Rome to reveal the truth behind the ancient Roman empire.

Episode 20

Legend Of Xanadu

Stunning 'blow apart' CGI animation and the latest archaeological investigations reveal how the most iconic buildings of the ancient worlds were built, stone by stone.

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