About The Show

Stunning ‘blow apart’ CGI animation and the latest archaeological investigations reveal how the most iconic buildings of the ancient worlds were built, stone by stone.


Episode 6

Dead Sea Scrolls: The Dark Truth

The Dead Sea Scrolls in Israel are the oldest biblical texts. New discoveries might finally reveal the hidden meaning behind these manuscripts.

Episode 7

Pompeii's Evil Twin

The sunken town of Baiae remains frozen in time, lying on the seabed of the Bay of Naples. Now, marine archaeologists investigate its fascinating secrets.

Episode 8

Finding Sparta's 300

Thermopylae was the site of an iconic ancient battle. Legend says that in 480BC, 300 Spartan warriors died there - experts reconstruct the lost battlefield.

Episode 9

Empire State Building: The New Secrets

Experts use cutting-edge technology to investigate one of the wonders of the modern world. They reveal mysteries hidden in its foundation.

Episode 10

Egypt's Buried City

Experts use cutting-edge technology to investigate a lost city buried in the Sahara. Archaeologists are uncovering the city's forgotten ruins and dark secrets.

Episode 11

Vesuvius's Secret Victim

When Pompeii was destroyed by an apocalyptic volcano, another town was destroyed, too - Herculaneum. It is one of history's most perfectly preserved towns.

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