The beginnings of the Roman Empire are shrouded in mystery. Without armies, palaces, or priests, the Romans conquered and ravaged the best of other civilisations.
The beginnings of the Roman Empire are shrouded in mystery. Without armies, palaces, or priests, the Romans conquered and ravaged the best of other civilisations.
Episode 1
The beginnings of the Roman Empire are shrouded in mystery. Without armies, palaces, or priests, the Romans conquered and ravaged the best of other civilisations.
Episode 2
At one time, the Roman Empire stretched from Scotland to the Sahara. Yet the same traits that created it, eventually led to its demise.
Episode 3
Trace Roman politics from the first representative government to the lives of Julius Caesar, Nero and Septimius Severus.
Episode 4
Rome's legacy of trade, roads and infrastructure relied on an alliance of slaves and peasants. The glory years led to the longest period of peace in history.
Episode 5
Roman culture still weaves influence through western art, architecture and medicine. This empire was a reflection of the multicultural world it encompassed.
Episode 6
From the reign of Diocletian to the sack of the Eternal City in 410 AD, an abusive political elite and an eroding cultural identity placed the Roman Empire into decline.