About The Show

The CDC, NYPD and FBI respond to a New York anthrax threat and the CDC investigates a mysterious illness that seems to be targeting young girls.


Episode 1

The Every Day Turns Devastating

The CDC, NYPD and FBI respond to a New York anthrax threat and the CDC investigates a mysterious illness that seems to be targeting young girls.

Episode 2

Deadly Animals among Us

CDC fears that Smallpox, the deadliest recorded disease, has made a savage return. Plus, patients of one man's donated organs fall prey to violent comas.

Episode 3

Fatal Infestations

17,000 dead birds and a buzzing storm of killer mosquitos plague the skies of New York City. Plus, an unidentifiable virus panics the CDC and U.S. Army.

Episode 4

Blood Sport

An elderly woman is rushed to hospital with fluid in her lungs; authorities fear she has brought SARS to US soil. Plus, a small town is ravaged by a 24...

Episode 5

Valley of Death

An enormous earthquake spreads a deadly fever throughout California. Plus, a horrendous bacterial outbreak forces one of the largest food recalls in U.S. history.

Episode 6

Terrorist Within

Iraq war veterans return carrying deadly mutant bacteria, while the CDC investigates reports of a severe, seizure inducing, illness in children across the country.

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