Which snow loving dog was trained to rescue people from avalanches? Which athletic breed never grows up? Find out as we match a variety of dogs to different lifestyles.
Which snow loving dog was trained to rescue people from avalanches? Which athletic breed never grows up? Find out as we match a variety of dogs to different lifestyles.
Episode 1
Meet the perfect canine companions for people with active lifestyles. Including the Rhodesian Ridgeback and German Shorthaired Pointer.
Episode 2
Find out which dogs make the best family pets - the Golden Retriever, Great Dane, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Newfoundland, Labrador Retriever or Bichon Frise?
Episode 3
Meet the Coton de Tulear, Great Pyrenees, Chiweenie, English Setter, Pug and American Eskimo, and find out which dogs make the best travelling companions?
Episode 4
Learn everything you need to know about different coat textures and lengths, and find out the best way to groom your priced pet.
Episode 5
How do different breeds of dogs behave? We meet the St Bernard, toy fox terrier, English springer spaniel, boxer, French bulldog and Thai ridgeback to find out.
Episode 6
Meet the Great Dane that holds the record for the tallest dog alive, the pooch crowned the ugliest in America, the world's smallest Chihuahua, and the poodle that can read.