About The Show

Andy Riley uses animation and comedy to bring bloody moments of British history back to life, together with interviews with historians.


Episode 1

The Battle of Trafalgar

Rory McGrath looks back at one of Britain's most famous military victories, the gory and glorious Battle of Trafalgar.

Episode 2

Bloody Mary

Rory McGrath explores Mary Tudor's murderous reign, learning about various Tudor techniques for torture, and finds out how to burn a heretic.

Episode 3

The Bodysnatchers

Rory McGrath investigates body snatching in 19th century London, travelling to graveyards and learning how to get a body out of a coffin.

Episode 4

The Siege of Rochester

Rory McGrath finds out how King John was able to burn down Rochester Castle in 1215 using the fat of forty pigs and learns how to fire a crossbow.

Episode 5

The Witchfinder General

Rory McGrath finds out about the savage witch-hunts of the 1640s, learning how to test for a witch and how to protect himself from witchcraft.

Episode 6

The Monmouth Rebellion

Investigating the rebellion of 1685, Rory McGrath travels to Dorset, learns how to fire a musket and takes on a horse in a running race.

Episode 7

Jack the Ripper

Rory McGrath investigates the killings of Jack the Ripper, tracking a villain with a bloodhound to find out whether this method could have caught him.

Episode 8

The Vikings

Rory McGrath travels to Northumberland to learn the story of a Viking raider nicknamed 'Hairy Trousers' and finds out how to fight Viking-style.

Episode 9

The Welsh Rebellions

Rory McGrath learns about an attempt to seize Wales from the English in the 1400s, trying out for himself the weapons and techniques used.

Episode 10

The Peasants' Revolt

Rory McGrath finds out why the peasants stormed London in 1381, learning how they would have fought knights and how many people were beheaded.

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