
Episode 1

Steve And The Dragon

With exclusive commentary from Terri Irwin and Wes Mannion, Steve Irwin walks with modern-day dinosaurs on Komodo Island in Indonesia.

Episode 2

Crocodiles Of The Revolution

Steve and his team are called to undertake a crocodile rescue in East Timor. Terri Irwin and Wes Mannion give exclusive commentary.

Episode 3

Surfing Snakes

With exclusive commentary from Terri Irwin and Wes Mannion, Steve and Wes travel around Indonesia, encountering lizards, venomous snakes and playful monkeys.

Episode 4

Reptiles Of The Lost Continent

With exclusive commentary from Terri Irwin and Wes Mannion, Steve is in Madagascar, meeting the island's chameleons, snakes and crocodiles.

Episode 5

Casper The White Crocodile

Steve faces a challenge relocating the zoo's latest croc, Caspar, into a new area. Terri Irwin and Wes Mannion give exclusive commentary.

Episode 6

Search For The Super Croc

The Australia Zoo teams up with Dr. Mark Read to tag huge crocs and track their migration. Terri Irwin and Wes Mannion give exclusive commentary.

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