Episode 1
Exterminators Mike and Jimmy make a house call, expecting a routine rat inspection. But the infestation in Queens becomes one of their toughest jobs ever.
Episode 2
Mike and Jimmy are in for a surprise when a hoarder comes clean about a missing pet python. Plus, a warehouse in Brooklyn falls under attack by a monster rat.
Episode 3
When Tishia begins renovating her store she uncovers the carcass of a dead cat that has been eaten by rats. Exterminators Mike and Jimmy are called to the rescue.
Episode 4
Jimmy and Michael are faced with a large outdoor garden that is overrun with rats. Meanwhile, pigeons have attacked a home in Queens and are taking it for their own.
Episode 5
Exterminators Jimmy and Michael face off with the toughest rats in a Brooklyn backyard while a gang of raccoons has overtaken a Queens neighbourhood.
Episode 6
Exterminators Jimmy and Michael battle a married couple's bed bug problem while trying to solve a rats-in-the-attic dilemma in another family's home.