About The Show

Take a look at life’s most terrifying moments as they happened, from the inside out – with real footage, personal accounts and technological re-enactments.


Episode 1

Episode 1

Eric finds himself in the eye of a storm after chasing a tornado that flattens Greensburg, a skydiver falls 14,000 feet when her chutes fail, and Dave is bitten by...

Episode 2

North Hollywood Shootout

A bank robbery escalates into an urban gun battle, and an underwater photographer's excitement turns to terror when a shark bursts into his protection cage.

Episode 3

Boxing Day Tsunami

When a tsunami hits Thailand, killer waves crash in at 480kmph. A fire traps three girls, and it's a balloonist's nightmare when he's blown towards a radio tower.

Episode 4

Episode 4

Survivors remember the collapse of the twin towers. A car crash leaves a driver on fire - and no one can put him out. And a chopper crashes against a...

Episode 5

Deadly Magic Trick

A military technician is sucked into a jet engine, a magician sets himself ablaze, and a snowmobiler unleashes an avalanche and is buried alive.

Episode 6

Episode 6

Terrorists attack Mumbai killing hundreds, a skydiver crashes into power lines, a school bus is swept away in a flood, and the biggest fire in US history breaks out in...

Episode 7

Episode 7

Hospital staff race to evacuate 21 babies from an earthquake-hit hospital, a wing walker is in acute danger when his stunt fails and a tanker crash sends fireballs into the...

Episode 8

Dangling BASE-Jumper

A small plane crashes into a rural fishing lake, a base jumper leaps from a transmission tower and is caught on wire, and a man is trapped in a burning...

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