About The Show

An in-depth look at a ship the size of four football fields, which boasts the world’s largest diesel engine. Can engineers keep the project afloat?


Episode 1

World's Biggest Container Ship

An in-depth look at a ship the size of four football fields, which boasts the world's largest diesel engine. Can engineers keep the project afloat?

Episode 2

Hard Rock Theme Park

This theme park build faces unique problems, like being in an earthquake zone. And can their Led Zeppelin rollercoaster deliver a 'whole lotta love'?

Episode 3

Giant Floating Bridge

Is it possible for 6000 tonne concrete pontoons to float? That's the engineering challenge for the crew constructing this astonishing bridge in Canada.

Episode 4

New City in Vegas

At $7.4 billion the construction of MGM's new mini-city in Las Vegas is the largest private project ever, including a 61-storey casino hotel and shopping mall.

Episode 5

Blockbuster Bridge

Seoul needs a direct link to its island airport. This involves building one of the most ambitious bridges in the world, spanning almost 13km of water.

Episode 6

The Big Rig

In Norway, engineers aren't satisfied with building the world's largest oil rig; they're constructing two. Watch this incredible engineering feat unfold.

Episode 7

Venice Flood Gates

A plan to install 78 massive gates across the three inlets into Venice's lagoon may save the city from sinking. Watch the mammoth project take shape.

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