As the Nazi regime crumbles, rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun leads a team of colleagues on a out of Germany to change the course of history.
As the Nazi regime crumbles, rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun leads a team of colleagues on a out of Germany to change the course of history.
Episode 1
As the Nazi regime crumbles, rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun leads a team of colleagues on a journey out of Germany to change the course of history.
Episode 2
A chance meeting with personal hero Thomas Edison and a visit to a Chicago meat packing plant give Henry Ford an idea destined to profoundly change the world.
Episode 3
Gold is discovered in California and a penniless prospector named George Hearst seeks his fortune. After much toil, his son takes over a newspaper.
Episode 4
If a small team of Texas Rangers are killed against eighty Comanche warriors in 1844, America might not become an industrial powerhouse.
Episode 5
If Samuel Morse makes it to his wife's sickbed in time after hearing of her illness, the speed-of-light communication we use today will never exist.
Episode 6
If tradesman Jacob Davis doesn't survive the California Gold Rush, he will never meet Levi Strauss and the idea for the copper rivet will not be born.
Episode 7
If future news reporter Bob Woodward doesn't meet the man we'll eventually come to know as 'Deep Throat' an imperial presidency will never fall.
Episode 8
In 1862, The Battle of Antietam rages! Standing right in the thick of the fight is a former schoolteacher with brave purpose - Clara Barton.
Episode 9
If German immigrant Adolphus Busch dies in a deadly Civil War standoff, one of the most American products of all time will never exist.
Episode 10
A twenty-four year old bookkeeper, John D Rockefeller, is about to bet every penny he has on a fledgling upstart industry.
Episode 11
The trains along the Pennsylvania Railroad line have stopped. What Andrew Carnegie does next could put him on a path to change the world.
Episode 12
Two young frustrated mechanics have an idea - to put an engine inside of a bicycle frame. But will William Harley and Arthur Davidson prevail?